Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Beer Review - Lakefront Brewery's New Grist

Jon and I at the top of the Ramsey Falls Trail - Smokey Mountain National Park

There's been a big gap in between posts since, you know...I've been busy honeymooning in a place with no internet connection or even cell phone service!

Jon and I left Milwaukee with a Kayak loaded up with the remainder of the open bar loaded into it, balanced precariously on top of our tiny car. I'm not sure how Jon, or my brother and father in law got it up there without breaking anything but the entire drive home to Michigan every time we would hit a bump or turn a corner we would hear bottles roll and clink.

I figure I should start out my first "review" with my old standard - Lakefront Brewery's New Grist. This is the first gluten free beer I had tried - my mom found a six pack and brought it home for my sister and I awhile ago. It wasn't very alcoholic but it seemed like a great beer to drink, one after another, on my porch chatting with my friends. Indeed, it is labeled as a session beer - and it serves exactly that purpose with me. For more information on session beers, go here.

This beer is very light, and just sweet enough that it has a tiny hoppy bite, enough to taste while it is in your mouth but not enough to really leave any sort of aftertaste. Because of it's lightness and sweetness, I don't tend to pick this up as much in winter, but it is the staple beer in our household in summer.

Lakefront Brewery's New Grist:

Link: Lakefront Brewery

Look: When poured this bottle of beer isn't ridiculously heady, though it is bubbly. I pour it into a pilsner glass (partly because we received some gorgeous ones for our wedding, and partly because that it really displays the color and "texture" well.) It is darker than the typical "light" beer, but only a smidge.

Smell: Floral, almost - sweet and light. This is a very bubbly beer, believe it or not and the bubbles tickled my nose when I sniffed to hard.

Taste: Sweet and light - can you catch the theme? This beer is relatively sweeter than the average gluten free beer, and has all the markings - the fresh, clean taste, the light texture, the fizziness - of a great summer beer.

Drink With: Summer food, or just by itself. And by summer food I mean Gluten Free Grilled Cheese, Salads, Gluten Free Pizza, Ice Cream, Gluten Free Cold Pasta Salads,

Where to Buy: This can be purchased at most organic or natural food stores - I believe whole foods has national distribution of this one. The website will give you further details.

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