Monday, December 28, 2009

Green's Quest Trippel Blond Ale

This is the second of the Green's Beers that I am reviewing. I drank this one at a party last night (first beer of the night!), and gave it out to about four or five people to try, so we really only got a tasting's worth of it, but it was enough for me to base this review on.

I have one more Green's to try and review, which I may end up trying later. I may wrap the thing up securely in Zip-Lock bags and put it deep into the center of my soft sided checked baggage, because those allergies yesterday have turned into a small cold and every taste bud is off and I've lost my sense of smell. Not so good unless I want to write "couldn't smell it, couldn't taste it..." Who cares how pretty a beer pours if it doesn't taste good!

I'm also adding (as suggested last night at the party) a "bottom line" section which contains an honest evaluation of whether or not I'd drink it/buy it/how much I liked it because reading back on the few entries I haven't really given that sort of thing and I probably should.

Green's Quest Trippel Blond Ale

Link: Green's Gluten Free Beer Site (actually a better one than the previous review!)

Look: Pours wheat gold, with a light densely foamed head. Not much lace to speak of but my friend pretty much took all the head out when pouring me a glass, and I had about three centimeters of head to work off of for this description. It has a murky character to it, but enough carbonation that you can still see it despite the cloudiness. This was poured into a pint glass.

Smell: My sense of smell is still I'm going to work off of what my company said when trying this - "Smells like apple cider!" "This reminds me of hard apple cider." "I think this is like cider" - so there you have it. When I attempted to smell it I also smelled a hint of green apple cider, as well as some yeast, but that was about it. The cider smell was a little off from what a normal cider usually smells like.

Taste: The first thing anyone said about this beer after we were done with our first gulp is "this reminds me of dry champagne!" While I won't say it tastes exactly like champagne, the never ending carbonation, the fruity dryness, and the light, thin, bubbly mouthfeel definitely make it reminiscent of that. It's a little tart and most of us agreed that the aftertaste was a bit bitter for our tastes and didn't pair with the sweetness of the drink.

The Bottom Line: I'm not sure I would buy this one again. If I was going to go for a Green's I would definitely purchase the Discovery over this one. It cost $5.99 for a 500 ML bottle in Delaware.

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